Seminars and Sessions

With the onset of every semester and as the time elapse the question which increases the tension amongst students is, “What after maths?”, if you know the answer to this then you may get struck by another question, “How to move forward and accomplish our goal?”, but that’s not all what the students face some people know everyting about their goals but couldn’t focus much, for the betterment of the students and to give them a clear idea about their future goals, plenty of seminars are being conducted by the department.

Career Opportunities in Management Sector

The seminar was conducted by Mr. Bharat Sharma, RM, Career Launcher, Delhi...

GeoGebra & Mathematical Modelling

The seminar was organised to aware the students of an interactive geometry...

Applications of Linear Algebra

The workshop was overseen by Prof. Shobha Bagai from Cluster Innovation Center, DU...

Foreign Education

The session was hosted by Dr. Anusha Shrivastava, Department of Statistics, Columbia University...

Data Analysis as a Career Choice

The seminar was held on 7th Jan '20 by Prof. Sat Gupta, a fellow of American Statistical Association...

Career Opportunities in Management Sector

The series of seminars and workshops for the academic year 2019-20 kick-started with a very enlightening and informative session on the various possibilities, students from a wide variety of diverse streams have, when it comes to pursuing a career in the management sector. This very knowledgeable seminar was conducted by Mr. Bharat Sharma, Regional Manager, Career Launcher, Delhi on February 25th, 2019. Keeping in mind the large number of students from non-engineering and non-technical backgrounds who aspire for a professional career in management and aim to crack the CAT, the session turned out to be quite successful and popular amongst MBA aspirants. From telling the basics of CAT preparation, to letting the students know about life in top B-Schools, Mr. Sharma won over the audience with his excellent anecdotal wisdom. Apart from enlightening students about the never-ending possibilities the management sector seeks to offer, the students also got to know a lot about how and why MBA can give a strong boost to the professional lives and career. All in all, the seminar was a huge success.

GeoGebra and Mathematical Modelling Softwares

The department concluded the fest season by holding an academic seminar to make the students aware of an interactive geometry and algebra application called GeoGebra, among other mathematical modeling softwares. The session was held on March 14th, 2019. Apart from convincing the audience about the beauty of this wonderful software application, the speaker, Dr. Jonaki Ghosh, Lady Shree Ram College, also made an attempt to highlight a number of practical aspects of classroom mathematics, such as modelling and simulation of various real life problems, using spreadsheets. Amongst others topics, Fibonacci series and the famous Monty Hall Problem were the major points discussed by the speaker. The seminar was highly appreciated by faculty members and students alike, and has been one amongst the most impactful academic sessions, thus far.

Applications of Linear Algebra

The department went on to further to its string of events by organizing an interactive workshop by Prof. Shobha Bagai from Cluster Innovation Center, University of Delhi. The topic of emphasis for this workshop was ‘Linear Algebra and its Applications'. The event was held on September 23rd. Aiming to develop a better understanding of the unlimited concepts and the expanse Linear Algebra seeks to offer, this seminar served as an excellent opportunity for the student participants and teachers to exchange their ideas and opinions with the eminent speaker. The students were able to have a hands-on experience of the topics covered by Prof. Bagai in her lecture by the use of the software Mathematica. The success of the seminar was clearly evident by the fact that all the teachers of the Mathematics Department of the college, along with 120 students from different years of study attended it. Making her talk more connected to the practical aspects of her topic, Prof. Shobha made an attempt to emphasize the importance of Linear Algebra in our everyday lives in a very innovative and convincing manner.

Foreign Education

The department successfully conducted another seminar for the students. The session was hosted by Dr. Anusha Shrivastava, Director of Career Development and Alumni Relations, Department of Statistics, University of Columbia. Dr. Shrivastava discussed about the education opportunities in the reputed institutes outside India and the admission formalities. Elaborating about the opportunities and scholarships available, the online courses and the admission procedures in the University of Columbia, the speaker also told the students about her own academic and professional life. Being mathematics students, we naturally have an edge when it comes to subjects like Statistics, and this is what Dr. Anusha wanted to draw our attention to. She made the audience aware of the various opportunities we, as future professionals have, if we pursue a career in the field of Statistics, after obtaining a master’s degree. Dr. Shrivastava was kind enough to conclude her session by having an interactive question-answer time with the students and clearing even the smallest of doubts that they had.

Data Analysis as a Career Choice

This was the first seminar that the department organized in the new year. Delivered by Prof. Sat Gupta, the seminar held on January 7th, 2020, focused on the career opportunities available in the field of Data Analytics. Prof. Gupta is the Head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, in addition to being a fellow of the American Statistical Association. He has been providing ‘Statistics Consultancy’ to on-campus and off-campus students for over 30 years. He enlightened students about the perks of pursuing a career in the field of data and analytics and also about acquiring admission in the masters and Ph. D. programme at his prestigious university. He also presented a few basic problems on managing and handling data and working with it. At the end of his talk, he invited questions from teachers and students.

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