About Us

The Department of Mathematics of Hansraj College is one of the most eminent and engaging undergraduate departments in the Delhi University. From its inception to the present, the Department has evolved and grown in several directions. The Department is active year round and conducts frequent activities like Quiz Contests, Sessions, Seminars, Academic Workshops, etc. at intra-collegiate and inter-collegiate levels. The Department always strives to work with passion for comprehensive development of the students and has given many innovative and brilliant minds in various career profiles.


The Department Journal

Mathematics department of Hansraj college has always tried to expand its boundaries and bring forward new works to keep the legacy of the department. In accordance to this we released the first edition of AANKALAN: The Annual Journal of Department of Mathematics, Hansraj College.

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With the onset of every semester and as the time elapse the question which increases the tension amongst students is, what after maths? How to move forward and accomplish our goal?


The department cares about each and every student, the department tries to organize a seminar for almost all possible careers with the focus of betterment of students.


Whether the seminar is about pursuing MBA afterward or working in data analytics field or about the future education, the aim of the department is to provide every student a guidance for their future.

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